Originally published in The Daily Dot 2.10.2015
Can you remember a single guest on NBC’s The Tonight Show last week, someone who sat in the armchair to the right of Jimmy Fallon? For ...
Why we can’t resist sharing Jimmy Fallon’s videos
In July 2014, Feliks was hired to write for the Bullock Texas State History Museum. He was instrumental in the launch of a new website with the intention of bringing the Museum to the entire ...
Bullock Texas State History Museum
CAP Magazine, a web-publication founded in 2012, provides an accessible platform for cultural analysis through creative writing, visual art, audio, and video. CAP publishes the works of ...
CAP Magazine
"Fright Night at Decker" was produced in October 2014 for CAP Magazine's The Sound. It is the second in the storytelling series.
Every Halloween, a select group of seventh and eighth graders ...
Fright Night at Decker
Originally published on danesbodyshop.com 8.7.2014.
Why do we lift, run, jump, and sweat? To look good or feel good, maybe, but perhaps there’s another reason we get out of bed before 5am, ...
F’nGo presents…
The following is a press release written to promote a fundraising event for a local nonprofit put on by Dane's Body Shop.
F’nGive Back with Dane’s Body Shop and Explore ...
F’nGive Back with Dane’s Body Shop
Feliks wrote dynamic, brand-appropriate copy for national and local level clients at MOOD Media. The following are samples of short spots produced for on-hold messaging. ...
Mood Media
Originally published in CAP Magazine February 2014.
Can The Tejano Trails Project save the community's place in history?
You may have heard that Austin is booming. The city ranks just ...
Remembering Tejano East Austin
"Truancy" was produced in February 2014 for CAP Magazine's The Sound. It was the first foray into audio production. "Truancy" tells three stories of teens, including Feliks, who skipped class in ...
Originally published in CAP Magazine June 2013.
This month, the movie-going public became aware of the fact that the National Security Agency is collecting the phone numbers they dial and ...
Privacy, Safety, and Sacrifice in the Magnited States of America
Originally published on danesbodyshop.com 6.3.2013.
Do you ever wonder what the heck Coach Matthew is talking about when he breaks down the clean and jerk (everyone's favorite Olympic lift)? ...
On Form: The Clean & Jerk is the sum of its parts
Originally published on danesbodyshop.com 4.17.2013.
Imagine yourself in the wild: the desert, forest, jungle, or the Great Plains. Your family is depending on you, and if you fail, it may be ...
High Times: Endorphins and the Push for Survival
Originally published in CAP Magazine March 2013.
I took care of my uncle’s boa constrictor when I was twelve.
My uncle left the warmth of Texas for snowier climates in Minnesota and a job ...